Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Opening of The Ways

This precious rite was developed by Lady Isadora Forest, Priestess of Isis and great inspiration। This and more of the Isis Magic Liturgy can be found at

Isis Magic can be found on for apparently various pricing depending on your luck :)

The Opening of the Ways is meant as a meditation before your main practice। Opening your inner qi flow and engaging in the life force energy that is Isis....I have performed this ritual with various results। Some say they leave the ritual feeling very high and out of their bodies। It is recomended to bring some sort of grounding food for after the ritual has been completed। Turkey soup works wonders or chocolate chip cookies, which are always a comforting and sweet way to realign.

The Opening Of the Ways

About the Rite:
This is the all-purpose opening ritual of the House of Isis. It can serve as an beginning of almost any other rite or it can be an entire working by itself. It is an excellent opening for personal work or communion with Isis. This version is slightly different from the versions given in Isis Magic in that it acknowledges Isis as Lady of the Otherworld when we open the Way which is symbolically beneath our feet. If you prefer, you can certainly use “Earth” at your feet as is given in the book.

Temple Arrangement & Ritual Tools: Nothing special needed.

The Priest/ess enters the temple, faces East, and gives the Sign of the Wings Of Isis.
Priest/ess: I am a Daughter/Son of Isis. I am a Child of the Goddess. (Repeating until s/he feels it to be true.)

Priest/ess performs the purification and consecration learned as a Votary. When this is complete, s/he returns to center of temple, facing East, and makes the Sign of the Wings of Isis.
Priest/ess: Isis is all things and all things are Isis.

Standing in the West, facing East, the Priest/ess raises her/his arms in the Sign of the Wings Of Isis.
Priest/ess: Open, O Heaven! Open, O Earth! Open, O East! Open, O West! Open, O South! Open, O North! The gates of Thy temple shall be flung wide for Thee, Goddess Isis!
S/he moves to the center of the temple; visualizes her/his aura as a glowing egg completely surrounding the body. S/he gives the Sign of Opening the Shrine.
Priest/ess: Let the shrine of the East be opened unto Isis, only Isis. (Vibrating) ISET NEF.
S/he visualizes the Eastern part of her/his aura becoming as a glowing net—complete, yet open to the Goddess. Next s/he turns to the South and repeats the entire procedure.
Priest/ess: (Facing South) Let the shrine of the South be opened unto Isis, only Isis. (Vibrating) ISET ASH.

(Facing West) Let the shrine of the West be opened unto Isis, only Isis. (Vibrating) ISET MU.

(Facing North) Let the shrine of the North be opened unto Isis, only Isis. (Vibrating) ISET TA.
Facing East once more, s/he extends her/his arms above her/his head, gives the Sign of the Opening of the Shrine.
Priest/ess: Let the shrine of Heaven be opened unto Isis, only Isis. (Vibrating) ISET BA.
S/he repeats the Sign below her/himself.
Priest/ess: Let the shrine of the Otherworld be opened unto Isis, only Isis. (Vibrating) ISET KA.
S/he repeats the opening motion, starting from the heart and moving outward.
Priest/ess: Let the shrine of my Heart be opened unto Isis, only Isis. (Vibrating) ISET IB.
Let the Priest/ess visualize doors opening in her/his heart—chains falling away, shells breaking open.

Priest/ess continues to face East and makes the Sign of the Wings of Isis.
Priest/ess: I have opened the ways for Thee, Goddess Isis.
S/he turns her/his arms inward to the cup posture and invokes:
Priest/ess: Come, therefore, Winged One and fill this vessel, Thy Priest/ess. Grace me, Isis, with Thy presence. Enter into Thy House and be with Thy daughter/son. O come Beloved One, Great of Magic, Beautiful of Wings, Bright of Face. Open my eyes to Thine everywhere-presence. Awaken my heart to the voice of Thy beating wings. Make bare my soul to the beauty of Thy Words of Power.

I arise on wings of aspiration to Thee, O Isis. Come, descend from above, arise from below, expand from within—and fill me, Goddess. From the rising bud of the lotus, to the mighty branch of the sycamore, to the Moon and Sun which are Thine eyes, to the Stars which entwine Thy hair, all the Universe is Thine, Isis—as am I.

O Isis, Goddess, Mother, Sister, Queen—the Ways are open unto Thee—I am open unto Thee. I invite Thee—enter in now! (Vibrating thrice) ISIS. ISIS. ISIS.

As s/he visualizes the Light of Isis filling the cup s/he is making with her/his arms. When s/he feels it is full enough, s/he slowly lowers her/his arms, letting the Light pour into her/his aura. Now is the time to commune with the Goddess or perform other work.

Facing East and giving the Sign of the Closing of the Shrine, the Priest/ess visualizes her/his aura as solid again. S/he begins at the heart and moves in reverse order.
Priest/ess: Let the shrine of my Heart be closed.

Let the shrine of the Otherworld be closed.

Let the shrine of Heaven be closed.

Let the shrine of the North be closed.

Let the shrine of the West be closed.

Let the shrine of the South be closed.

Let the shrine of the East be closed.

Priest/ess thanks the Goddess, makes the Sign of the Wings of Isis, then quits the temple.

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